Anyway this particular night this was around the time of the full moon and the Hale-Bopp Comet was very prominent in the sky and I had just come home from a fire walking ceremony so that was an intense evening and II kind of awakened in the middle of the night with feeling this weird heat down around my sexual area and I was waking up going, "What in the world" and then all of a sudden I could feel these long skinny bony fingers drawing circles on my right ovary and I felt the paralysis and I thought, "Oh shoot they really are here, oh my God." I'm not sure how I saw them. If it was you know tuning in and seeing them on what level. My room looks dark and I always sleep with my light on. I've done that since I was a child. So when I'm realizing they're with me the energy feels different. It was totally unnerving to me to recognize that they really were visiting with me and I could see there was a smaller Grey on my right hand side and a slightly taller one on my left and I remember telepathing to the Grey, "Please stop doing that, I don't want you to touch me." I asked him three times. It didn't stop so I'm not sure if it was my astral arm that came out and I reached over and I grasped his long skinny bony fingers with my left hand and said, "I asked you not to touch me, please do not touch me." And then I noticed the Greys on each side of my bed looked at each other and I thought, "Ah shoot, they're gonna knock me out with that white light again."

I have seen myself on ships. Either driving them with somebody who is a well known abductee or I was in a huge mother ship one time where I was being taken by, guided by a taller Grey that had on a bright red robe. He's more or less like my teacher. Then I went into this conference room and there was all these different beings from wherever and then there was a seat that I knew was just for me. So then I sat next to this being that had a body that looks similar to, I wanna say like a beef jerky stick, beef stick. It had that shape and then he had just a round head and three tubular extensions. And when he looked and little tiny skinny arms and legs and he looked at me and I heard this energy, I could see it go "wit were wit." And I laughed because I knew he was saying hello to me, "How have you been? I haven't seen you in a long time."

I have seen myself on ships. Either driving them with somebody who is a well known abductee or I was in a huge mother ship one time where I was being taken by, guided by a taller Grey that had on a bright red robe. He's more or less like my teacher. Then I went into this conference room and there was all these different beings from wherever and then there was a seat that I knew was just for me. So then I sat next to this being that had a body that looks similar to, I wanna say like a beef jerky stick, beef stick. It had that shape and then he had just a round head and three tubular extensions. And when he looked and little tiny skinny arms and legs and he looked at me and I heard this energy, I could see it go "wit were wit." And I laughed because I knew he was saying hello to me, "How have you been? I haven't seen you in a long time."