2 o'clock in the morning there was a knock at the door. They must have been knocking a long time because they woke me up. Well I went to the door to see who was at the door. My sister had already answered the door. And she was staring at the ceiling like you know with her mouth open like she was still asleep just staring at the ceiling wondering what the heck is going on. And I see three people standing outside and I thought they were young teenagers, messing around but as I got closer, "Well crap they're wearing masks. It's like why are they wearing masks? Oh my God they're going to rob us" is the first thing that popped into my head.
I realized then what was standing before me wasn't human at all. And it's not like your typical ET people talk about on TV. It wasn't like this grey little guy with big eyes. These things had very large eyes. They weren't grey. They were actually so blue they were almost violet and there was a female and two males. She had a female figure and two males. They were very skinny. They were about maybe I'd say four foot tall but they didn't have, they weren't grey and they had kind of pale skin but they had almost cancer patient or like very old people hair. Very scraggly hair. And I remember this female kind of lunged forward at me and I stepped back. She grabbed my wrist. I got so frightened, apparently I snapped out of whatever trance I was in. I grabbed one of the males and I was going to throw him off a balcony and I felt a tap on the back of my head and I woke up somewhere else.

I woke up in my bed the next morning thinking oh my God I had the most freaky dream in my life. Even though I remembered everything and I wasn't asleep when this happened. I was so freaked out because i was such a skeptic that I tried to convince myself it was a dream. And the next morning I was just about to tell her I had this weird dream. And she said, "What the hell happened to your back?" And I didn't feel any pain but when I reached around I felt these holes. And all this memory started flooding back. And I literally just hit the floor and started sobbing because I was so freaked out from what happened.